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WTEA Committees

Technical Committee

The Technical Committee is comprised of 26 industry leaders and experts from the public and private sectors and academia who meet monthly to keep apprised of and discuss important technical issues, developments and engagement with various regulatory bodies to manage and partner in such areas. 

Public Affairs & Community Engagement Committee 

The Public Affairs & Community Engagement Committee interacts with community leaders to demonstrate the value of waste-to-energy as a key component of sustainable waste management.  The Committee, through its two co-chairs, strategic advisor and 8 members, provides guidance on messaging, media, social media, and direct engagement with community partners.   


The Public Affairs & Community Engagement Committee works to:  

  • Improve the public understanding of waste-to-energy’s role as a key component of sustainable waste management through multiple media avenues 

  • Highlight current scientific data about waste management and coordinate with international partners to educate on new and emerging technologies 

  • Build and support grassroots efforts in waste-to-energy communities. 

Advocacy Committee

The Advocacy Committee is responsible for meeting and communicating with public policy decision-makers to educate and advocate on relevant industry matters.  The Committee's current co-chairs are John "Doc" Holladay of the City of Huntsville, Alabama and Darwin "Dar" Bass of Kent County, Michigan.


The Advocacy Committee works to:  

  • Design and facilitate strategies involving sustainable waste management to effectively engage at the municipal, state, and federal levels 

  • Inform policy leaders about current developments, latest scientific data, and current and emerging technologies as they relate to regulatory, legal, and legislative matters 

  • Bring together WTE industry stakeholders and partners from public and private sectors to proactively promote and protect the industry and contribute to shape favorable policy, legal, and regulatory outcomes.

The Waste-to-Energy Association (WTEA) is a national trade organization representing waste-to-energy companies and communities that rely upon these facilities to educate policy makers on the current scientific data and advocate for waste-to-energy as a key component of sustainable waste management sector.

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5600 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 200

Washington, DC 20015



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